Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Research: David Burdeny

"David Burdeny’s photographs play with time and scale. His imagery suggests a formalized landscape where perspective scale and time momentarily become intangible.The viewer sees repeated dualities of stillness and movement, intense detail with blank atmospheric abstraction, man made objects found in ocean horizons, black and white images printed on colored paper, all reduced to present to the viewer a sublime experience."

I really love the isolated feel, contrast and sweeping skies that are featured in his photographs. In many of his photos, the shapes within the scenery become a huge part of draing your eye in or creating an interesting composition. Alot of his work is in black and white, which I think is really suited to the subject matter. I also like some of his coloured work, where subtle, natural colours bring through the character of the landscape.

I think that the key to the dynamic nature of these photographs is the darkening and highlights that are applied to give the images depth.

* quote from "David Burdeny."