This set of photos deals with the issue of young kids wearing too much makeup. You can see Taylah putting lipstick on where part of the label reveals the word "wild" which I though was quite appropriate. There is also a photo of a tree that's roots are covered with concrete (representing something natural being covered with something that's not), a makeup palette and a sad looking Taylah. The Cover Girl logo is also included for it's meaning towards makeup. I included a scribbled element which I chose to include in all sets. This holds the photos together, the sets together and also has relevance to the childhood nature of scribbling.
This set of photos deals with the issues of children using the internet too much. You can see Taylah's hand on a mouse, a keyboard, a spider in a spider web (representing "the net" and the dangers) and again, a sad looking Taylah. In this set, the Second Life logo is shown (which is an internet form of life). This relates to the life that children have on the internet that differs from their usual day to day life.
This set deals with the issue of a child's body image and self-esteem. This set is one of my favourite at the moment. You can see Taylah standing on the scales, spoiled fruit (has gone rotten because no one has eaten it), Barbie dolls (representing unrealistic body proportions) and again, a sad looking Taylah. I used the logo Barbie to relate to the child only caring about what they look like.
Where to go from here:
I still have two more sets to make up, one for tween shopping and one for underage drinking (which I still need to take more photos for. Keeping with the set, these two will include the scribbled texture and include a logo and a sad looking Taylah. I have chosen an overall colour for each set so when they are all presented together, they have a colourful, young and girly feel to them. For the other two sets I will make one blue and one green.
I also want to keep working with the sets I have so far. I am really happy with the pink body image set so I probably wont touch that one, but I would like to play around with the arrangement of photos in the other sets (not completely happy with the compositions yet). I also need to work out the best position for the logos as some are becoming a bit lost against the background.
At the moment I am printing out the sets on OHT slips like I intended. I found that if I want to present them in this way, I might have to create a set of five boxes where I can slit the OHT's in at different stages so there is a 3D feel. I would be able to hang these boxes near a natural light source so you could see the images more clearly on the transparent layers. If I don't choose to do this, I might just print the sets off on A4 sheets of photo paper. The thing I am concerned about with this though is that the sets will be seen more as flat collages, something I don't really want. I really like the idea that the images can be seen on different layers, but merge together when they are seen all together when viewed from one position.