Sunday, March 1, 2009

Brief Notes from Class

Photoshop: (for effects, colour correction, etc)
- Channel Mixer Filter, used to create better effects on photos
- Change photos from 8 bit to 16 bit. More colours in your images
- Masking: Using web colours makes it a bit easier.
White: Brings erased sections back, Black: Erases sections
- You can use gradients from white to black instead of masking to merge two images together softly. You can also use grey instead of white and black to slightly reveal images
- Use Levels to lighten, darken different layers

Mask Pro 4.0: (for easily eliminating sections of an image)
- Pen tool works like scissors
- Brush tool works with colours. Good for transparent images
- Keep/Drop eyedropper can be used for hair, transparent images
- Copy image in Photoshop and work on top image
- Open up the Mask Pro plug-in
- Highlight inside the outer edge you want to keep with the green marker, hold option alt to erase where you've highlighted or Apple Z which will go back in tiny steps if you make mistakes
- Use red Highlighter just along the outer edge of the area you want to erase, do not touch edge
- Options for Brush tool, tick "use tool decontamination"
- Use the brush tool to paint away the unwanted areas.
- Eyedropper: select colours you want to Keep (colours from inner areas) and areas you want to Drop (colours from outer areas)
- Save/Apply, will pop straight back into Photoshop
- Save as .tiff

Noise Ninja: (for removing noise from photos)
- Open file
- Profile Image
- Sharpening better than Photoshop

Lightroom: (for adjusting photos and easily exporting them in different ways)
- Never change shapening radius more than 1 pixel

Bridge: (for categorising images, adjusting them, etc)
- Metadata: use Keywords. You can go to Edit, Find and locate specific images (ie. sky images)
- RAW Files: a separate file is created which has all the edits you've made to the original, the original isn't effected
- You can open any file in RAW in Bridge or save as RAW in Photoshop